- Does the factory conform to national regulations on noise?
- Are noisy parts of machines enclosed?
- Are machines serviced and maintained regularly?
- Is there a policy to replace older, noisy machines with quieter
ones? - Are machines correctly mounted to avoid vibration and reduce
noise levels? - Are surveys carried out to assess noise levels?
- Are sound‐absorbing materials used on ceilings, walls, and floors?
- Are adequate barriers used to prevent noise from spreading around the
workplace? - Are people working in quieter sections of the factory protected
from noise sources? - Are workers in noisy areas rotated so that their noise exposure is
reduced in duration? - Are workers provided with the best form of hearing protection?
- Are the ear muffs/plugs regularly cleaned, maintained, or replaced
as necessary? - Have workers been given training in the correct use of ear muffs
or earplugs?